Upcycled Food - Why is it so difficult to find ?

We’ve been scouring the internet for the most interesting sustainable, upcycled, climate friendly food related articles this week and have found our favourites, filled with the most important question: how are we going to save our planet?
First, we started with some light reading from World Economic Forum touching on how eating can save the climate, yet how limited we are in our options for climate friendly foods. Food Waste accounts for a third of global CO2 emissions and eating climate beneficial foods can be one way we decrease this. Read the full article here.
This article then lead us to Healthyish writer Alejandra Borunda’s week of ‘climate dieting’. Which opened our eyes to just how difficult it can be for consumers to find climate friendly food options, especially whilst eating out. Within our office, we have an abundance of dietary requirements dairy-free, meat-free, and gluten-free so know the pain finding appropriate places to eat (checking the menu prior is a must). Check out the article here.
These articles got us thinking, why is it so hard for consumers to find environmentally friendly products? Is it because we are only now coming to terms with our environmental impact?
The options within the food industry compared to two years ago, even to last year have drastically changed. We can help consumers purchase products that are beneficial to not only health but also environment. Our Upcycled Grain Project is one way we as a company are achieving this.
The spent brewers grain included within our sustainable range of products is environmentally friendly and full of health benefits. The grain itself is high in pre-biotic fibre, protein and is also naturally sugar-free. To date, we have saved over 9 KGS of grain that would’ve otherwise ended up in the landfill.
Our whole range focuses on eating on-the-go products so you can be safe knowing you are being healthy and helping the environment at the same time!