Upcycling vs recycling

What is the difference between upcycling and recycling?
Upcycling, recycling … they sound pretty similar right? Wrong! So, what’s the difference between the two? We’re here to break it down for you (Yes, we prefer upcycling, but breaking it down is much more appropriate in this case… confused? Read on).
Recycling involves breaking down and destroying items in order to create new materials that are then used in the production of other products. This reduces the value of the original item.
Upcycling, on the other hand, involves creatively repurposing items in their current state to create something new and even more valuable! If it weren’t for upcycling, a lot of these items would otherwise go to waste – and we can’t have that! This is exactly what used to happen to the leftover Brewers’ spent grains. Luckily at Upcycled Grain Project we rescue these little grains and upcycle them into crackers, bars and bites - saving them from rotting in landfill…. That’s pretty awesome if you ask us!
Breaking down materials as part of the recycling process uses more energy than upcycling.
By using items in their existing state it not only uses less energy, but it uses less water, it reduces the production and consumption of new raw materials – therefore conserving resources, and it produces less carbon emissions and pollution… put simply, upcycling is better for the planet!
Feeling inspired to upcycle? Check out our sustainably delicious snacks below and become a sustainable superhero today... saving the planet has never been so easy!