UGP Grain Crisps Finalists in New Zealand Food Awards 2022
Featured ·
August 29 2022
Our CEO Jan Meyer had a conversation with Lyric Waiwiri-Smith from Stuff News New Zealand to talk...
Upcycled Grain Project News

Upcycled Grain Project features on Stuff
August 24 2022
Learn more about our Upcycled Journey with this Stuff interview of our CEO Jan Meyer

Upcycled Grain Project is taking to the air waves!
May 30 2022
Our CEO Jan Meyer sat down with Katherine Ryan on RNZ's nine to noon, to discuss all things Upcycled Grain Project.

March 28 2022
Our new INNOVATIVE and INDULGENT Grain Crisps have arrived!!

Reduce Food Waste
February 11 2022
Here at Upcycled Grain Project we are all about finding simple and effective ways to reduce food waste in our everyday lives.

Keeping Fit and Healthy - Our Top Tips!!
October 29 2021
We’ve put together a wee guide to being mindful and healthy over the winter season.

Upcycling, it's our favourite!
September 17 2021
Here at Upcycled Grain Project, we are all about celebrating wins within the sustainable community and it has been amazing seeing the strides upcycling has been making.

Upcycled Food - Why is it so difficult to find ?
August 11 2021
Upcycled Food can be difficult to find, but why?

Upcycling vs recycling
June 28 2021
Upcycling, recycling … they sound pretty similar right? Wrong! So, what’s the difference between the two? We’re here to break it down for you (Yes, we prefer upcycling, but breaking it down is much more appropriate in this case… confused? Read on).

Spent Brewer's Grain: what is it? what are it’s health benefits? why is it usually wasted?
June 15 2021
Confused about what spent grain is? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one! Allow us to explain… when producing beer, brewers soak malted barley to give the beer body and flavour. This malted barley is mashed to extract protein, sugar and nutrients. The resulting liquid is used to make beer and the spent grain is left behind. ‘Spent’ indicates that the grain has already been used, meaning it cannot be used in the process to produce more beer. Put simply, it’s the waste leftover after breweries have produced beer.

What is upcycling?
February 16 2021
Where recycling involves the destruction of waste in order to create something new, upcycling is about creatively repurposing discarded items in their current state to create something new and even more valuable.